TIL that my company has an HTML/CSS guy whose only job is to optimize others frontend code and he has a higher pay scale than me.

How the fuck that skill could end up into a legitimate job profile!!!!

  • 5
    There are 2 types of people
    1. Hardworking
    2. Lucky

    Your guy is type 2.
  • 0
    I think the lucky guy it's you: freedom to concentrate on your code without thinking at front end (because yes, it's very important nowdays).
  • 2
    Why is it important to have a senior dev running over everyone's code making it perform better?

    ... are you kidding me? ... this ... this is like the definition of writing code as part of a big team. Ideally he should be teaching everyone what he is changing, but still, come on dude
  • 1
    @practiseSafeHex Exactly. Moreover he should be the one to write in the first place
  • 2
    I'm quite empathetic in this situation. I know exactly how you feel. Luck seems to favour few (even though I believe you make your own luck).

    I earn half the salary of a guy who does half as much as I do. We do the same job.

    Just got to be happy one has a job, and educate oneself so you can find somewhere that values you for what you are worth, not how far you can to up a boss' arse.
  • 3
    Don't knock it, a fair percentage of my work is fixing peoples shittily coded websites. Instead of complaining, make your code so good he's out of a job.
  • 2
    1. Hardworking
    2. Skilled and experienced enough to not have to work too hard.
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