
Guys i have a damn problem with my friends laptop (yes i don't like doing it, but have no choice)
I can't intall on this laptop any windows (good for me, but not for friend) beck use of blue screen A5 or sometimes B7.
I read about this and it might be bios, but it's updated. I can't see any hardware dmg.
Linux work perfect :(

Have you idea what to do?

  • 0
    Sounds like it could be some funky flavor of hardware modifications that require the laptop providers specific drivers...
  • 0
    @No-one elementarny works fine, it's ACPI error A5 and B7 bluescreen im kind a tired with this damn device. I memtested menory it's fine
  • 0
    @Dav13 there's only bios. It's k40ab asus
  • 0
    @No-one it's how to remove Problem, not solve :p

    You have bug in code? Delete all code. DBase doesn't work.. Drop it xD
  • 0
    Probably the issue.
  • 0
    @Dav13@ragnarr023 nah, but im tired with this shitty device.
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