
I really enjoy my job engineering high-traffic sites for a large adult network!
Watching pornsites @office every day (probably getting fired if I DON'T) and see the customers spending $$$ like crazy :)

  • 15
    I would get so tired of doing that as a job I probably wouldn't have the motivation to have sex with my own partner. How do you handle that?
  • 4
    Do I smell brazzers? 😂
  • 4
    Refer me senpai xD
  • 1
    Do you ever meet the stars?
  • 0
    LTD brother
  • 6
    I don't work for large adult site network, but at my workplace one of my coloueges is whatching porn allmost every day..... 😀
  • 0
    People actually pay for porn?! 🤣

    What do you do when you need to do work at home or abroad? That must be super fucking awkward, pun intended.
  • 0
    No shit, at least money-wise this must be awesome, alone the traffic on ads and stuff has to bring good cash?
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