
I really hate api response variable names like this. I mean why type "targetitemid" when "target_item_id" is so much more readable?

  • 1
    Case and point, whilst trying to read your rant, I spent a few confused seconds trying to figure out what 'target it emid' meant.
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    Because the developer that wrote it wanted to write itemId but could not risk capital letters with the service. 😛😛
  • 2
    @Jase I keep reading that "you're yes accross" instead of "your eyes accross". If you aren't doing camel case, ffs just do snake case
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    Adding the _ would add some more bytes however he could have used capital letters.
  • 1
    @Traser And we all know how expensive those damn bytes are these days. Wait....
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    @Grundeir I know most modern developers don't care... Well I am 19 but I like the old school way :) in my opinion it's the same as people learning frameworks instead of how computers work etc. I am fine with libraries and frameworks but most people don't know what they are actually doing (most people at my school don't even know what a byte is).
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    @Traser Even when using a 4 GB thumb drive using underscores to increase readability won't matter... Readability > Size
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    @SHA-256 well that's an opinion. I prefer to think about memory and data usage. We can save tons of data just by removing useless characters.

    The size of the code they used to bring the Apollo-11 to the moon is almost smaller than most files simple text editors produces. That says enough right?
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