
Who is old enough to have used a voodoo graphic card.?:-)

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    I have one arriving real soon
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    I had one when i was little and itwas the best card ive ever had. :-)
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    I'm old enough to remember when the graphics card was baked into the motherboard and it was monochrome. And we LIKED it. And we were THANKFUL. Now get off my lawn, ya whippersnappers!
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    I had an S3 Virge, the first graphics card with a '3D accelerator' that didn't work.
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    Riva TNT 16Mb was my first powerhouse...
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    @stackodev, I remember the first time I played my old floppy disk GCA games on a PC with a VGA card and a color monitor.
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    @Eariel Monochrome to CGA was great. But CGA to VGA made me feel like a god. Now I'm teaching myself Unreal Engine and I just can't even believe the awesomeness by comparison.
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    @runfrodorun I remember trying to get Star Wars: Shadow of The Empire to run on my 486 DX66 with S3 Virge, then giving up and going back to playing Rebellion.
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    What are you youngins talking about i had a hp palvillion with windows 98 default that had intergrated video card and when i tried to add a tv tuner card it was too new cause the motherboard didn't have pci express
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    Dual Voodoo 2s in SLI mode...
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    Voodoo was the best...always loved the name too.
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    @runfrodorun I got interested in computers with an Apple IIe in 1985-86 in middle school. My cousin's Commodore 64 and the library's TRS-80 also helped. My own first computer I bought with lawn mowing and birthday money. It was a $1300 IBM-XT/AT clone with 8088 processor, 64k RAM, CGA, two 5.25" floppy drives and a dot-matrix printer. DOS 1.0-ish. Taught myself Assembler, DOS, BASIC, and batch files on it. Then the regular procession of upgrades continued from there. Used it all through college, even getting on the Web with it, up through graduation in 1999.
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    @saintograph S3 Virge was simply a 3D decelerator. It had all the nice features but it lacked computing power. Still, it worked perfectly fine with my first gen 3dfx (PCI based with astounding 4MB of onboard RAM) ;)

    Fun fact: My Virge came with two 1.44 floppies. Most of that space was wasted on a short (mepg?) movie that was supposed to show the decoding speed (IIRC) of S3...
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    I had an EyeScream Voodoo 2 with the the 3D shutter glasses.

    It made all games appear genuinely 3D. Standard game software, but using its 3dfx drivers.

    Absolutely brilliant, the rockets in Quake seemed to come right out of the screen straight at you.
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    Woooaaah! Used to play Need for speed with this on WinXP
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    wow, another dream that never came true, thanks for reminding me on my bday!
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    I am. But the first computer that I build had a geforce256! That one lasted me a long time.
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    Voodoo Banshee :-D 16Mb video ram. Ought to be enough for... 6 months.
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