
In response to the picture I posted of my boss's wiring, we got a new switch today and he cleaned it up a bit.

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    I can see all devs cringing to this pic 😂
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    When I get a chance I'll post what the routers look at one of the buildings at work lol it is a disgrace.
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    If it burns. It will burn well. Cable management over level 900000
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    The hilarious thing is the bad cable management is with the accountants so if it burns then so does the money (in a matter of speaking)
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    @f03n1x wow. That would be pretty bad...
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    Better than the last one…
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    As promised here are my images
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    But wait until you see the other images
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    Its better now like this.
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    @f03n1x oh my god what the hell o.O
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    So some context, for some unknown reason we have three routers connected one after another, for some reason one of the routers doesn't work with the lab upstairs so they had to add the routers (something like that, not too sure) anyways internet is crap there despite it being connected to fibre via the ONT, also yup two ONTs lol yet shit internet because of the bottle neck oh and our ISP throttling us.
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    @LMestre14 yes, lol I walked in and found that out and basically walked right out, some technicians did the same thing I did, it's a mess, I ain't touching any of that (accountants office and all, don't wanna mess with their shit)
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    @f03n1x seriously that's scary to see. I mean really, I bet he doesn't even care. Just mount it until it "works" and leave it like that. Seeing cables like that it's basically spaghetti code IRL in a way XD
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    @LMestre14 honestly they don't, and I honestly hope the moment the shit hits the fan I ain't here to clean it all up, lol already a code janitor/IT guy/app guru/app man/computer wizard I don't need to be the router/cable management guy.

    Though at one point we got a guy to come look at that wreckage and he said he'd send a quote lol seemed like it was going to be expensive.

    Not sure if it's clear in the image but there is another multi power box/multi tap/whatever the name is/sitting in the housing.

    And also there's a giant 20 metre Ethernet cable that is connected to one of the routers which are used for presentations (bottom of the stairs, but inside the board room). If that thing gets tugged just a little too much then bye bye internet.
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    @f03n1x I know this is non of my business, so free to answer only if you want to, but wouldn't you rather be on a company where at least would be decent enough to show they care do their own building and structure? I mean, even you seem to have more responsibilities than you should :/
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    @LMestre14 I really do :(
    After graduation I applied for jobs over the period of six months, aside from a couple job replies I got basically nothing as a response to what I was doing wrong CV and cover letter wise.
    A friend got me this job, since the company needed a app developer to *clean up* cough I mean update their app, interview was more of a do you think you could do this, I said yeah probably.
    Aside from the 8 months of app development experience as a sole developer and the small tiny experiences with clients and such eh I guess it's okay, probably better than no job mind you.
    I'll be applying for jobs after I decide how I go around doing so without giving too much of an alert to my boss (having the company name and boss as a reference, may lead a recruiter to contact them while I'm still working here) that being said game development is where I wanna be!
    This company has a couple of problems with the whole job position thing, people just keep calling me different things lol.
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    @f03n1x well, I hope you still do well. I'm actually going to start an internship at a small growing software company in my hometown. No one in my class/course knew of its existence, and now basically more or less 10 colleagues of mine want to have their internship there aswell XD
    At least think like this, you're still young and you graduated on an area that has lots of company's wanting to contract software programmers 😉
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    @LMestre14 that's awesome! I hope all goes well, personally I want to start a game development company and in my spare time have been working on the game, along with my brother who is studying to be a game artist/concept artist.

    I'm going to a game dev meetup where the next talk is about how to start up a game development company and all the legal stuff (probably at least a part of I anyways).

    But plan is for me to work as a software developer to save some money to fund my real goal :D
  • 1
    @f03n1x really? Nice to hear that 😊
    Don't forget to share your game here in the community 😄
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    @LMestre14 Of course!, It's going to be VR supported but I will try my best to get non-vr support in, since not everyone can get a VR headset, hopefully without VR the game is still fun lol
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    This kind of naturally leads to the question:

    Is there an actual job/career to do cable unfucking for a living? For people with really bad OCD.
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    @brahn a mix between an electrical engineer and electrician most likely
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    Just buy 1$ cable managers they are cheap and will fix this mess..
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    @MrGKanev well the whole reason I don't want to touch this is because the accountants need to be online to do their job and the lab upstairs also needs to be as well we don't have an in-house intranet so basically leaves people with nothing to do

    The networking hasn't been setup properly and like I said I have my hands full with my actual job to run around to clean up this mess

    But if this isn't aimed at me and the original ranter my bad xD and ignore what I said
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    Switch the ends of two random, similar looking cables. Enjoy while he struggles to find what's wrong because of his mess
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    @eeeddr that's evil but brilliant
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