People pressure me to get a degree but I think which I’ll pass, I don’t care about getting into research or management and if Carmack and Romero did what they did with little formal education I guess which I can be a good enough programmer to distinguish myself in my area without it.

  • 0
    @molaram If I have to go back to school you have to go back to preschool and learn some respect. Maybe you’ll know better than insulting a random stranger on the Internet.
  • 3
    @DEVil666 devrant is 50% trolling.

    Welcome to devrant!
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    @molaram I need to work harder then.
  • 4
    You don't *need* a degree, but it's often rather hard to get a dev career started without one, and a lot of HR departments will simply use "has he got a relevant degree" as a CV filter.

    Should it be that way? Of course not. But reality isn't ideal.
  • 5
    Depends on what the cost is. If you live e.g. in the US and need to pay the studies via student loan, the benefit of formal studies has become dubious at best.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce I know, but my career already started, I’m employed from three years
  • 1
    @DEVil666 In that case you've got a good foot in the door, but it can still depend on a whole load of specifics. Either way, your career, your life - you know your circumstances better than any of us. But it certainly still *can* come back to bite you sometimes.
  • 3
    Survivor bias. The fact that some people did it with less formal education does not mean that you are the same and can do the same. Most probably you are not.
  • 1
    @iiii exactly. Biggest problem with devs is they assume because they don't know something they don't need to given that they are producing work.
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    From my perspective and in my case it was a question of whether I want to spend 5 years proving my worth on the corporate ladder or if I want to spend 5 years learning new things both in school and on personal projects while having fun and then jumping the corporate ladder.

    I swear to god, the only point of schools (excluding big famous ones) is to have a document saying you're good so you don't have to prove yourself over and over again at every job to every random fucking manager. So that's why I did it, was fun though (except for some suicidal thoughts here and there)
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    I have like 5 courses left to get my masters degree and feel very unmotivated to get them as I have been working as a software developer now for two years amd the courses I have left are very unrelated. Im just careful to not set and end date to my education on my CV or just flat out write with a note "not finished"
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    I still think bachelors degree is a good idea for: network, structured courses over different domains and projects/practice chance.
  • 1
    I found this a while ago (and some others on github) and have been taking a stab at the subjects:


    Some I have learned some I need to work on.
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    @Demolishun Thanks for the resources, from the end of the last year I already started to allocate less time to study the “framework of the month” and other ephemeral topics to study more lower level stuff: I took a course on linear algebra, re-taught myself C (I “learned” it in high school but after years we weren’t even able to do a proper “printf” or tho handle errors with errno so I’ve studied K&R, did exercises and integrated with external sources for things which the book can’t cover because It’s too old) and now I’m using the language to implement some network protocols to learn how they actually work and not just use them as “black box” libraries.
    The list you sent to me will help me to give a better structure to my studies.
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