
What do you think about Rocky Linux ? Is it really the "in-place replacement" to CentOS it intends to be? Would you rather advice another alternative?
I've used it for a while now, but not for anything critical, and I have to say I found nothing bad to say about it, but I wonder about your experiences.

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    I don't know how long it will prevail. As I have heard, the quality of the Redhat build documentation did decrease over time.
    I don't know how much time and money is required to keep a binary clone available. While a lot of former CentOS maintainers switched to Rocky, I don't know how and if it will work out on the long run - the time will tell.

    We also have Alma Linux (with the same problem) and Oracle Linux. While Oracle Linux is by Oracle (surprise!) it does exist for a while now and is actually free and backed by a large and long existing company. Unfortunately Oracle does not have a very good relation to the open source community and doesn't usually do much Open Source either.
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