Decisions, decisions, decisions! 😎💻

  • 12
    Why not grub? :D
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    @penguin mswin10 and grub dont like each other
  • 2
    Hoq did you managed to do that???
  • 0
    @vortexman100 Yes it does. Have set it up many times and never any issue.
  • 0
    @penguin With secureboot? Wasnt there always this install windows last otherwise your bootmgr is dead? Hm thanks for correcting :)
  • 1
    @vortexman100 Yeah, I think if your install windows after ubuntu it removes grub and installs mbr to the boot partition. So what you need to do then is use a live disk or setup mbr to dual boot and just reinstall grub.
  • 3
    @Rammy7219 BTW if you want a pretty version of grub, install the burg bootloader and add a theme.
  • 1
    @Rammy7219 How can I do this? I really need it
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    @GoodRockqq If you want to do that (you should really use grub though) you can use EasyBCD. https://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/
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    Hi @GoodRockqq like @penguin said I did use EasyBCD it was a while ago and I remember, had an issue installing centos on a partition, but with the help of a friend we managed to get it working.
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    @penguin burg is ancient and is not updated any more, plus it doesn't work with UEFI which is the current standard. rEFInd would be a better option.
  • 0
    Choose no one of those and install OS X. Just kidding. Linux is best. But I use mint =)
  • 4
    Quick! You only have a second to choose!
  • 1
    @DLMousey yeah had no issue's with Ubuntu but did have job getting centos to play, used EasyBCD with a bit if a battle 😀
  • 2
    ++ for centOS
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