
Any Angular fans ? Check out my blog https://ngcoderscope.wordpress.com

Love to hear your feedback

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    I don't know angular personally, but I've been looking into Angular with NativeScript for mobile development a little. Considering learning it sometime
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    @nicnaknic awesome mate
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    The site looks really cool (on mobile), but is that just AngularJS (v1) you are covering on there ?
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    @thecritic yep mate as of now only Angular 1.x Still coping up with Angular 2 so it will be on soon.
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    We have been working with Angular 2 since the very alphas and it's a---mazing. We were using A1 before, but I personally really like everything about Angular2, especially with Typescript you almost forget about the fact that you are actually coding in Javascript.
    The learning curve is a little steep, but I think it's totally worth it.
  • 2
    Your content seems very interesting, especially​ the one covering digest, watch and apply. I like the UI style you used and it looks like a promising website, Note though, this might just be me but I'm sensitive to spelling/grammar errors and inconsistent spacing after a period sign. Unconsciously noticing these kind of interrupted me reading the content.
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    @thecritic yes i totally agree with you
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    @logic Thanks for the genuine feedback ! Will work on it :)
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    Nice website. Have you thought about adding syntax highlighting? That'll really make a difference.
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    @cst1992 yep mate ! But it's pretty hard to find a gud plugin in WordPress for code highlighting ..Will try to do that in future
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    @DLMousey thanks mate will try that .. Looks awesome
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