There are many ways of development...
Test Driven Development.
Behaviour Driven Development.
Acceptance-Test Driven Development.
YOLO Driven Development.

But nothing in this world is so frustrating as...
Buzzword Driven Development.

As soon as your managers spot a new technology, it needs to be integrated...
For fucks sake... New is not always better.

  • 8
    What's funny with it, is that this trend also exists in marketing. It's especially laughable in France when people just chain english buzzwords together to sound smart
  • 4
    You could opt for managers that insist on using only 20 year-old technologies.
  • 12
    you forgot "Incident Driven Development"
  • 1
    I like YOLO driven development
  • 1
    I would love to develop like this. Its not boring and you learn new stuff constantly.
  • 7
    @DarthDev or deadline driven development
  • 2
    Sounds like Hype Driven Development. You can find it in google.
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