Me: I need an SSL certificate.

Support: No problem. Just fire up your command line and generate one via OpenSSL.

Me: I'm on Windows.

Support: Ok, so what you do is code a Linux command line from scratch that will run in Powershell. Next, compile OpenSSL from your favorite of 60,000 versions available. Now, just fire it up and you're all set.

Me: Goodbye everything I've ever enjoyed doing in my free time.

  • 13
    orr just fire up a lil Linux VM or something y'know
  • 10
    Check the windows linux subsystem also known as bash on Windows.

    Definitely worth upgrading to dev preview of codename redmond2 (well, red something.)

    That packs support for Ubuntu 16.04, optionally distros do provide images for it tho, opensuse for instance :)
  • 13
    Let's Encrypt
  • 1
    Thanks. I'm vaguely aware of some of these options but I don't do this often enough to just "know", so now I have to go figure out how to install that Linux vm or Redmond and whatnot. It's too much to just ask for an app with a GUI and an icon I can click, apparently. Thanks, Microsoft, for your Internet leadership and innovation and delivery on your mission to empower personal computing.
  • 4
    @stackodev there's way to many configurations possible to just make a gui with a button :p
  • 3
    Flying cars? I need to crawl out from underneath this rock
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD wellllll, some kind of GUI anyway. With options. I mean, I can create incredible 3D virtual worlds and games and simulations with Unreal Engine. Yeah, it's a complex GUI. Zillions of options. But I don't imagine a GUI for generating an SSL certificate to be anywhere near on par with that.
  • 0
    @plumbus Totally OT, but there's definitely progress in that area. The hardware and software are very doable with near-production-level prototypes. It's just a matter of infrastructure adaptation at this point. The latest: http://askmen.com/news/cars/...
  • 0
    @lotd I can use this outside the previews so it's not in the beta beta anymore
  • 0
    @inpothet I know but the beta carries support for 16.04 instead of 14.04..

    Which is totally worth it
  • 1
    Support for what? There are a bunch of ways to go about getting an SSL, letsencrypt being the easiest by far. Their docs are great
  • 0
    What use case would you need a SSL certificate on a local windows instance?
  • 1
    Doesn't the bash shell installed with Git for Windows supports openssl out-of-the-box?
  • 0
    @Kornagan yes. You are absolutely right. I was reading all replies and got few ideas on generating ssl certificate. Use cygwin.
  • 0
    If on windows install babun it has git, cygwin all preconfigured
  • 1
    I ultimately used Cygwin. But now my common name is too long for this particular domain. :(
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