
How to add your "Hello World" program into ur resume?

  • 6
    Unless you're applying for an internship or apprenticeship, there's no value in showing a (literal) hello world. For any code example you should just provide a link to a publicly accessible repo (e.g. on Github or Gitlab).
  • 3
    Unless it's literally the only thing you have ever written... which really begs the question why are you applying when you have 0 skills?

    A git repo of your own work and projects and any training / certificates will go a lot further then writing:

    console.log("hello world")

    or.. looking at your history, print()
  • 1
    Is that really the only thing you have ever written?
    If so, don't add it.
  • 1
    Haha No,
    I am looking for different ways u can write the same thing into ur resume
    And which is the most effective.

    If someone can add "hello world" to his/her resume while pretending like its the most amazing thing ever, EVER!

    Well, i'd love to see that xD
  • 4
    "Explored different languages and build systems to help understand workflow and tooling." Probably under hobbies or personal achievements
  • 2
    Just list the respective language in your CV and say you're an expert with 10+ years of experience.
  • 0
    @Maer #10yearsofhelloworld
  • 0
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    @TheCommoner282 oh boy! Do we have a winner!? #^#
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    If it’s not up to a certain level - don’t include it.

    It doesn’t matter if you have super basic programs on your github, (everyone understands your github is used for all kinds of stuff) but don’t highlight them on your resume.
  • 1
    don't send everything you make as portfolio, just your best work
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