
Got a new baby today

  • 6
    ISA slots containing one ethernet card. Propably 10Mbit
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    MIDI port!
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    Some specs
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    Pentium Pro, passive cooled!

    I wish it was a 486 thou like my other one. It has a Blue Cyrix CPU (!!!!!For thoose who know!!!)
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    I do have original package containing Windows 95 for AST, so this will boot and install fine.
    And yes, I am going for Windows 95 :)
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    But I will continue that tomorrow.
    Paid way to much for this system that My boss allows, so I guess I have to do the dishes, and change diapers for a loong time.
  • 4
    What are you going to use it for? :)
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    Nostalgia trips

    I grew up with a AST, they have a special place in my heart
  • 2
    This is soo cool.
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    Would be fun to cram a high end system in there ^.^ (Would mean to take apart this beautiful old machine tho)
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    Have got an working Pentium II here :)
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    Connect to a 56k modem for the full effect
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    That's a very old baby
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    @Eqb8 Now I miss dial-up sounds.
  • 3
    That's some machine! 👏
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    He so cute remind me of my first child, was about 64 mb ram 5 GB hard drive and Pentium 1 processor , so adorable haha
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    Using Windows? LOSER! That is SO UNCOOL!

    Install Archdorabiantu, uninstall the GUI, run Tmux with 100 panels open, shutdown the PC, curse the day you thought installing anything but Windows was a good idea, throw PC out Window.
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    If the machine stops working someday, I will!
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    I like the shitpost
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    @Linux You're welcome hun.

    What are you actually going to do with it?
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    Play DOS-games. :)
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    DOS . the only thing Microsoft actually did right....
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    You happy?
    Having trouble with the drivers for the CD-ROM drive, so I will try MS-DOS
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    This is so cool. I just remember how much rants I would have posted if devRant existed when I was trying to install winmodem drivers on Conectiva Linux back in the days... And then proceeding to install Napster... And then fucking with the windows dual boot... So many rants it brings tears to my eyes...
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    @Linux yep... good old days... that stable blue screen of hard non death
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    Omg ISA
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    holy shit, already 4 years...


    One of the IDE ports have died, which renders my CD-ROM drive useless.
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