How you guys refer to non-devs?

I've started calling them civilians. Apparently calling them peasants is offensive.

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    Leute, Menschen, Spacken, Vögel, Humanoide, Entitäten
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    I call them the most offensive word known to man. People... Humans... And other disgusting words.
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    People who can have sex with other people.
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    WHY THE FUCK do you want to call them?? They'll be here soon enough to ask stupid questions...

    Don't humanize them by referring to or talking to them!!! Just ignore them and keep repeating "Have you tried to turn it off and on?", and if you can have a machine say it, better!
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    @rutee07 maybe some are smarter than being a keyboard monkey as we are. 🤔
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    Wait, there are other people?
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    "you said the worm was untraceable?!"
    "Yeah, to civilians. These are hackers!!"

    Because of that quote, I call anyone who doesn't use a computer a 'civilian'. It seems to work out.
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    @molaram I liked Assclown the most.
    It must be the circus vibe about it. ,😀🥳
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