
States of JS frameworks:

Everything is either in beta or deprecated

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    Not everything but most new ones.
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    Oh god, devRant's 1 rant an hour couldn't handle my view on the state of js today...
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    @nblackburn react-hot-loader, react-router is in beta, they are quite old :(
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    @tahnik You do realise there are frameworks other than react and they are plugins not frameworks.
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    @nblackburn I'm pretty sure he realises there are other frameworks, it's pretty hard not to realise there are other frameworks...
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    @ALivingMemory I don't know, React devs are usually pretty tunnel visioned.
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    @nblackburn well, I guess I will just avoid this discussion. Not sure where you are trying to take it. You said "most new ones" so I mentioned some that are quite old libraries.
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    so true
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    Sometimes they appear in both states,referred to as javascriptical superposition
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    @nblackburn I just recently started out with js. I chose react as my first frontend framework. Because it felt natural to me. I started to program in Java 5 or 6 years ago. Declaring each component as its own in a dedicated file makes my life easier and helps me understand It better. There are a lot of similarities between react and javafx. Though that recently, vue became quite popular. Not sure why. I didn't really understand the difference between them. Seems like vue takes a more angular style declaration where you basically write js in HTML. I personally think it is a bit messy. HTML in js looks cleaner to me...
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    @SirWindfield I would disagree, Vue compliments existing technologies because it uses tags are native to HTML which are decorated with logic similar to how Angular 1.x was where as React uses it's own system for this mashing HTML, CSS and JS in one place which breaks separation of concerns.

    I was using Vue before the boom in popularity but it's been earned in my opinion because it worked for it.
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    @nblackburn by no means wouldn't I argue against that. But to me it feels (given my swing, javafx background) more natural to declare the UI within the logical code, like you had to do in the swing days back then. That made the switch to js a bit easier. I do not have any experience with vue or angular. They are probably good libraries. But I have the feeling that react scales better the bigger the UI is. Not sure about vue tho.
    Edit: you can separate css from react components too. The offer the ability to embed it but nothing stops you from just adding a plain old css file to the HTML page.
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    @SirWindfield I understand why that makes sense to you and there is nothing wrong with that. I have always been focused on the web so i come from a different perspective.

    Vue scales perfectly well, i use it in a large scale language analysis platform i work on.
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    @nblackburn ah ok. That's just what I heard about it. I couldn't find any "bigger" applications that use vue. Like a music player or somerhibg similar to slack.
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    @SirWindfield That is because we focus on building not bragging.

    React is surrounded by hype so it's a lot more vocal about it's endeavours.

    There are a few large apps in Vue, you just have to look a little harder.

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    They are all pretty similar, Vue gives you a bit more flexibility in the way you structure your app as they have an equivalent single page component file (.vue) or you can just go with plain js and hook it up with the dom or anywhere in between (say with TypeScript support). They still try and force you to have the HTML in the js file though which i really don't like, the argument is that it's not separation of concerns but separation of technologies but if i want to have my html in a html file in the same folder as the js (each folder representing a component) i think i should be able to (like Angular for​ instance)
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    @nblackburn I can see a hatred flowing through you. React is indeed hyped a little bit as it's made by Facebook.

    But you need to take into consideration that people likes different things for different reasons, as explained by @SirWindfield.

    Generalising is a really bad thing and you should avoid it. Calling someone tunnel visioned or "bragger" just because they use a particular framework is not right.
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    @tahnik You took misunderstanding to a whole new level.

    It's not because they use React at all, it's the fact they see nothing other than React like its the holy grail of everything while understanding nothing about it, why it exists and what it can achieve and will stop at nothing to shit on everyone else even when it wasn't called for.

    I don't hate React, i hate it's arrogant, self absorbed community that recommend for dumb reasons like it's 'popular' and 'made by facebook' rather than what it actually brings to the table.
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    If people took the time to understand what it is instead of defending it blindly then we wouldn't have any of this BS.

    Truth is i have seen few genuine arguments for using it. The few i have seen have agreed with but just look at how few devs that is compared to the army of magpies jumping on everything new and shiny before doing any research.
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