
If you're offered high responsibilities, high power to make decisions should come with it.

You can't be expected to bear responsibility for other people's decisions if you have no power to decline them just because you feel like it. Your coworkers should prove things to you, and not the other way around. Why? Because you'll be held accountable, and you can't be expected to hold accountability of what you had no power to decline or moderate.

The absolute majority of problems I had while working with companies were caused by asymmetry in power / responsibility balance.

That's why if a company wants me to hold responsibility for a thing that other people can intervene with and make their edits, and I somehow have to PROVE something to them if I want them not to, I stop working with them immediately. Simple as that.

You want me to be accountable? Then I have the ultimate final say in everything. You want others to have the power to make decisions? Fine, then I'm not to be held accountable. And as it's impossible to find out who was responsible for what, I'll just be better off quitting right now.

  • 1
    Completely agree. I'm baffled at the number of people who don't get this.

    Doesn't just come in human form either. Way too often I hear something like "Hey, you're going to be both fully responsible and accountable for this system! Oh, but don't do that. No, and you can't use AWS. Of course we're not upgrading the server OS to one that receives security updates, don't be silly."
  • 0
    Well well high paid slave problems hehe so that it will always be your fault.
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