What muggles never know:

"Reopen last closed tab" feature

  • 3
    CTRL + SHIFT + T
  • 21
    My girlfriend closed out of a tab
    Her: Shit... i didn't mean to do that...
    ~tries opening a new tab~
    Me: Wait, hold on...
    ~ctrl + shift + T~
    ~Reopens closed tab
    Her: Where have you been all my life!
  • 3
    @tisaconundrum lol, thats almost exactly how I came up with this "rant"
  • 1
    damn, should have added:

    What muggles always know:

    Ctrl + Shift + n
  • 0
    Control shit p in Firefox too
  • 0
    Does it work on IE 5?
  • 4
    I have friends who aren't ~muggles~ and they still don't know browser basics. They are amazed and do love to learn the nifty keyboard commands. And middle mouse button - absolute babe of a button.
  • 1
    @tambo @ragnarr023 I did computers for a living, none of our customers know those until I show them cause I've just cleaned their computers for the Nth time
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 laughing at the idea of taking a shit whilst pressing control and p
  • 2
    @Hedgepig I'm quite sure you're going incognito for investigative reasons when you're shitting and ctrl shift p. I think I shall henceforth refer to toilet incognito, for whatever reason, as control shit p.

    You have sharpened my mind it seems.
  • 1
    We need a list of recently used tabs when you press ctrl+shift+t. Choose which one to open again.
  • 2
    @byt3cod3 fuck that would be fantastic, I'm sick of reopening ten tabs just to get to that one I want
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