
Just wondering why most of you here hate php. I have multiple live projects using the Laravel framework, runs great and I love it!

  • 5
    Some of the crapiest programmers use PHP so most people tend to hate the tool because of the "tool".
  • 8
    It's cool to hate PHP.
  • 3
    Humans follow other humans, they follow the crowd
  • 2
    Don't worry, they hate javascript, css, swift, c#, c++ and so on...
  • 1
    Yeah, I love PHP.
  • 1
    Largely rocks (especially Homestead ) 😀
  • 1
    Because it's entry barrier is so low that idiots can figure it out and call themselves php devs.
    It also gives too much freedom to not follow any patterns or guidelines for people who don't know what they are doing.
    That's why some of the most nightmarish code I've ever seen has been php.
  • 0
    And yet its true
    Not that its bad, clueless people abuse it.
    That's why I choose to stay away from it, you just never know.
  • 0
    PHP may not be very good but it's not bad at all. Java (as a language) on the other hand....
  • 0
    So you don't agree that there is more utter crap written in php than in most other languages? Because someone was inexperienced.
  • 0
    @morowinder a bad developer does not mean the language he used was bad. I started with php and I can guarantee you 100% of what I wrote when I started was utter shit, wasn't phps fault. To be honest anything I write today would still be shit as I stopped using back at like 5.1.

    There was a time I also worked on asp, same goes 100% of what I wrote was complete shit.
  • 0
    Oh, I forgot about old asp.
    Btw I don't claim that php is shit because it's shit language.
    It's that there are many php devs who are shit but thing they are hot stuff because they can hack together small projects quickly.
    And then YOU have to come in and clean up after them.
  • 0
    @morowinder yep, we call them. Juniors, all or the balls, none of the experience.
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