I logged into BitBucket, opened my repo, and clicked on my Trello board. Why did I have to log into my Trello board? Trello is now connected to your Atlassian account, I got an email about it. It's the same username/password. It exists. They know it does, because they're the ones that told me. Create a token and pass it to Trello for me so that I don't have to log in. It isn't all that difficult. I can hear you now: "What if they have a different Trello account they want to log into because...{reasons}?" Then you can have a handy little "Switch Account" button or something that will log them out, log them into their new account, and display that data. One button push for them, no buttons for the rest of us.

  • 1
    Do you know how SSO Auth works (SSO V1) in Atlassian....

    You replace the default authenticator with the SSO auth.

    Of course it will be done in the versioned application folder, not in the home folder.

    And of course it means that you can just use a crowd directory as an auth possibility - hence crowd dead, no login except rescue via restart and JMX args.

    Atlassian sucks on so many levels it's terrifying.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM i also have to work with atlassian. How cimes that its impossible to see teamcity builds in bitbucket. Or having an group wide credential for triggering teamcity builds so that the teamcity trigger only needs to be enabled.
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