
So a client wants me to put auto playing music on his website

  • 7
    Kill him.
  • 12
    Hope it's a MIDI file 😀
  • 4
    Don't you hate those websites that auto play content? It drains resources like you wouldn't believe plus there is a scramble to mute your speakers quickly before anyone else hears.

    Not to mention those tabs that start playing audio in the background. I mean which one is playing?!
  • 3
    Make it play Baker Street on loop.
  • 2
    Hell no
  • 7
    Just call it "user-hostile". They will either not want to appear hostile and ditch the idea or they will hate you to your core and fire you.
  • 3
    Just do what your customer wants you to do. They are paying you right?
  • 2
    @Linux Yes and no, they paying you for your expertise too.
  • 2
    Well, yes. OP should give them advise. But he cant refuse to do it.
  • 5
    Do one thing, tell him doing this will reduce the SEO Ranking, and he might end up being blacklisted, and paying thousands of dollars to Google to re-list the site in their Search results...
  • 4
    1. Climb to your terminal.
    2. apt-get remove --purge client
    3. apt-cache autoclean
    4. apt-get autoremove
  • 3
    Tell them latest versions of Chrome/Firefox/etc. no longer support auto-play audio. They will be none the wiser. technical_excuses > well_formed_opinions when it comes to these kind of clients.
  • 1
    Haha our client wants to put music jingle and a chords.
  • 3
    Yes!!! MySpace will rise again!
  • 2
    @joetj URL? I need to set to one of my tabs that open when chrome starts
  • 2
    Autoplay at volume 0.
  • 1
  • 0
    @joetj I really hope my sarcasm wasn't too much for you...
  • 1
    ^Lol. Yeah it was.
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