
People really need to learn to type faster! Especially devs!

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    What is your avg wpm?
  • 11
    If you type less, you don't have to type as fast
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    Type less. And I type 95 wpm. It's plenty fast.
  • 2
    I took I typing exam before I was 10 years old. Don't think I'm a specially fast typer but it sure improved accuracy. I think you perhaps have run into particularly bad typers. As others pointed out speed is not that important what you type is important.
    That is If it's at a decent level and the act is subconscious. If every key has to be looked up or keyboard looked at constantly than yeah please go home and train...
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    I'd say it's more important to learn how to use home, end, and arrow keys together with ctrl and shift
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    Great, so i can take a look to that buggy apps that you write faster
  • 1
    There should be a golden mean in demands like this. First of all, how does typing speed define a developer (or personality, while we're at it)?

    IMO, development should be as accessible as possible, so we wouldn't involve competitive measurements from other areas where they might be actually useful. Our area is not exclusive to people w/o disabilities.
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    Typing without distraction is more important, you can't type faster than you think.
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    I am never bottlenecked by typing, if anything it's either some symbol that requires my hands to do some serpent like acrobatics or its me having to think how I wanna make something
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