
Who else hates the word coding?

I like programming better...

  • 4
    I agree with you!
  • 5
    PROgramming, sorry not sorry
  • 1
    @liammartens Oh you 😜
  • 7
    Well, I think you can't really call html'ing and css'ing programming since, although you can do pretty advanced stuff with it nowadays, it doesn't contain much professing logic like if else etc. But I might be wrong obviously
  • 6
    @linuxxx a good one would be php'ing
    And I would like to see an if else in html wow! CSS already has @media so its basically saying
    If (mobile)
    Do stuff
  • 4
    In french, it's even more violent.
  • 2
    Because every man and his cat are coders 😢
  • 4
    My boss describes what I do as "scripting," no matter how complex of a system I build.
  • 1
    Well, you can't programm HTML and CSS 😂😂
  • 6
    in my beginnings, my first boss used to call it: "they are making moving images", literally ...
  • 1
    For me coding is the dumb version of programming. You code a thing up - write spaghetti code for an already designed system, no thought process, whereas programming includes some brain usage
  • 0
    I like "master hacking".
  • 0
    Coding sounds as if you're using Scratch as an IDE
  • 0
    Coding could relate to coding theory which is entirely confusing..
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