
Getting some work done today 👍🤘

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    Question for you: I have a background in Java, how hard is the transition to app development in android studio?
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    @iKAANIK not hard at all. Android Studio is based on the amazing IntelliJ IDE and it's a really good documented platform, with a huge repo of questions already answered on SO. Once you try it, you won't want anything else 😉
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    @gustash thanks, I'm gonna try my hand on it. What's that you are developing? Is it a chat page or profile page?
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    @iKAANIK what's on the emulator right now, or the Java file? 🙂
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    @iKAANIK secret 😉 once it's finished I'll be sure to share about it here
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    that's Android studio? Did not know about the emulator :O
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    @LMestre14 it's not great, I'd use genymotion instead if I had to use an emulator, but nothing beats testing on an actual device, I have a nexus 5 for testing on and it works like a dream
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    @LMestre14 yes, go to a purple icon with an Android in the corner, under the menu bar. It's the AVD Manager. There you can make an AVD (Android Virtual Device) for many Android versions and screen sizes 😉
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    @Developer1993 you still need to test older APIs and different screen sizes. Plus, the emulator has gotten tremendously better after Android Studio 2.0
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    @gustash true, I do a lot of work with the actual hardware on the device, NFC, camera etc I suppose for basic testing its good and like you said for older APIs and screen sizes too, I haven't used it since studio 1.2, but I will give it another go on your recommendation!
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    @Developer1993 as Tim Cook would say, I think you're gonna love it
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    @iKAANIK by the way, if you need any help/suggesting, you can hmu @ Telegram: @Gustash

    I'll be glad to help 🙂
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    @gustash suggestion*

    @dfox... I think I'll die soon without an edit button...
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    It's also worth being that guy and pointing out that if you want to go out on a limb, you can learn some JavaScript and use something like React native or phone gap to write your app for all platforms at once!
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    @ChrisCooney I am aware, but I hate cross platform tools. I am very familiar with Android and that's 90% of what I do, so I do it comfortably. Nothing beats nativity 😉
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    @gustash i will definitely take you up on that offer
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    @gustash can't argue there! I must admit, any apps I've thought of writing haven't needed native functionality. Enjoy your android work!
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    @ChrisCooney will do, always have 😉
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    @iKAANIK not hard but you should have a lot of patience for that! atb! 🤑
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