Fuck you, .DS_Store.

  • 26
    That thing is basically apple's os shitting at whatever it touches.
  • 11
    I run a batch file on any inserted USB automatically that checks and deletes .DS_Store and ._*

    I have never been happier.
  • 1
    Just use terminal instead of file explorer, and there you go 🤓
  • 2
  • 2
    @vinaysshenoy my point was that it's using the file explorer that creates those shit. If you only use the terminal to navigate, you're fine.
    But I agree that it's still a pain in the ass to have to restrain yourself in order to avoid being annoyed.
  • 0
    @ryuu Ah. Also, I can't control other people not using finder to browse. Fucking thing is being checked in everywhere.
  • 4
    Not even sure what this file does but its always in my gitignore 😋
  • 3
  • 0
  • 1
    If it already is there: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...
    Or just add .DS_Store in .gitignore just after git init.
    Everyone who commits those files should have git push privilege revoked ...
  • 7
    Fuck .thumb
  • 2
    @mk3d hahahahahhaha I cMe here to write that... nust so the discussion wouldnt be one sided
  • 0
    I scrolled down to find somebody that would explain what this rand is about, since I didn't find somebody, could somebody do?
  • 2
    @aBrokenDonut Mac OS generate .DS_Store ressource file for Finder app in each directory you browse on a windows formatted drive/smb/cifs volume. I'm right?
  • 0
    @mk3d I think it's any directory anywhere and used for the GUI sort/position of files iirc.. I don't think you could disable it entirely, only on networked locations.
  • 0
    @brod Yup. It creates it everywhere.
  • 1
    I'd be lying if I said I k ow what this file does...
  • 0
    Did you know that the creation of these files is actually an unfixed bug in macOS?

    From my reading the links on that SO i think those files store comments made on files through "get info" panel but I guess the bug causes them to be made every time you view a folder in macOS
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