
Mfw you try out Atom and it crashes the moment you open anything even slightly big. Then you try to close it out and reopen it but it decides it should start off right where you left it-suspended in time... doing absolutely nothing.

On another note, it looks beautiful, has many extensions, and is highly customizable but it gets bogged down so quickly.

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    And welcome to devRant!
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    @jallman112 Thanks! Now just to get enough likes to make an avatar lol. What's the point of that anyway?
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    @Vylcas Probably bot avoidance or something. Small bit of gamification. Not really sure. 😀
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    @tarstrong Thank you so much :p Really wanted to get those initial 10 out of the way.
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    I liked the looks and works of atom. But it feels majorly flawed. It's slow compared to sublime text and visual code, even though the last one I believe is based on Atom :/ Sooooooo no matter how I tried, I cannot use Atom til they finally manage to get performance up and some very annoying bugs out of the way..
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    > atom --clear-window-state .
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    @Icratox Exactly. I hear it's web-based which is the reason it has difficulty loading anything that isn't just a few MBs large. Not sure why Git didn't make performance the focus but whatever. I still have hope that it'll get better but I feel as though that'll be unlikely :/
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    @kevinkev Ah thanks! Will have to try that out the next time I give Atom its X chance. Been trying out a bunch of different editors to develop on so I kind of just hop between them while I decide the workflow I prefer. I've been using IDLE for like half a year now simply due to the fact I can't decide what I want lol.
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