
What is this I don't even know. Why does it exist? Why?

  • 0
    Someone tried to bootstrap-ify flex I guess?

    Feels a bit like pain
  • 13
    Weird flex but ok
  • 1
    Different flex behaviors based on screen size?
  • 0
    Vanilla CSS people trying to look cool
  • 8
    there is a lot you don't know that's why the internet is such amazing place where you can learn about everything.

    I feel grumpy today, so let's be mean.
    If you don't know about flexbox and bootstrap web development is maybe not for you.

    Bootstrap - Flex
  • 2
    TailwindCSS set the trend for utility class-based CSS a few years ago
  • 2
    Use Tailwind
  • 1
    i assume it exists for the same reason that the whole flex system exists: to put patch on top of the css shitpile that attempts to kake it work in the way it should have been working from the start in the first place
  • 0
    Just use d-none and all your problem's solved.
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