
Remember kids, NEVER EVER preorder anything

  • 4
    At least among friends, I've never heard a happy ending with preordered games (with like 1 exception)

    Or anything bought during the period of hype right after release, for that matter...
  • 4
    Okay dad.
  • 3
    Well, I have pre-ordered the Switch. I don't pre-order/back games - I saw a lot of bad to happen from developers. Like dropping promised Linux support, releasing half-baked product never bothering to fix it or just plain take money and dissappear. In this case I have quite a lot of faith in Nintendo (so far it seems they have done a great job - new Zelda is getting extremely high ratings even from hard critics).
  • 0
    Well 9year old PC here so the hype might be real this time with a Ryzen + Vega PC for me
  • 0
    Very nice tip. It is hard to not get tempted by AMD. Switch, though, I'm fairly confident is another wii u happening. With low fps in promotional videos, I just don't see how it can stand out as any good.
  • 1
    @andersoyvind the zelda game was the same version as the one at gamescom, pre alpha without any polishing. It isn't that uncommon to finish the game and the Polish it up with performance boosts.
  • 1
    Oh... Look at that, @SirWindfield. Didn't know. I have my wii U experience, so I still would hold back on the hype. Is there a hype? Why?
  • 0
    @andersoyvind I wouldn't pre order it either...
  • 0
    @andersoyvind Seriously? Switch is the only console that actually tries to have 60fps😀. I think it's better to have a smooth gameplay than a bit better graphics. Also at least one reviewer wrote about Zelda that it runs much better (high fps) that those beta builds (Engadget? not sure). I think it is a pretty common practice to optimize after most of the game is finished. Well, we all here probably know the famous Knuth's quote 😉.
  • 1
    I prepurchased two things:
    Watchdogs which was kinda meh
    and Overwatch but only because I played the open beta and loved it(and it's still great)....
  • 2
    Didn't you see the greentext on this? Pre-order everything but return it just before it comes out. Use Gamestop as your bank, etc.
  • 0
    @qlasico Your Profile was not found :P
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