
Like collabs, we should have a new section for only technical discussions about anything like common practices, is there a better way to do this, how's the new tech, general discussions about a library or language etc.

I'm not much interested in the jokes and that's all I see in my feed. Not that I hate that aspect but I prefer more of the tech talk.

Who's with me?

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    @norman70688 lol yeah filter the shit out of everything. Jk though it's just a preference and I'm not sure how many feel the same way or like to have discussions than the jokes. I used to do the same but now it's getting boring for me and would love to have discussions with fellows devs.
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    @norman70688 yeah but that's not devRant, right? It's about the community 🙂
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    Hm... then it would lead to flame wars? i.e.

    Why is linux better than windows?

    A: It's not

    B: It is

    C: Mac OS X beats both!
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    @allanx2000 didn't think of that one lol
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    @zeprod np, I mean even know when we rant, some comments are like this but it's all good, just opinions. Just don't think we should make it official like a Wiki or SO.
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