  • 18
    @g-m-f You just can't recognize a genius
  • 49
    The legend says he invented/installed the drivers for all the components too
  • 3
    @thmnmlst Sorry, I don't have it. Someone sent the pic to me.
  • 23
    But will it run Crysis?
  • 3
    This is just sarcasm man ...look at his face
  • 4
    @sam9669 His face didn't write the article
  • 1
    @norman70688 I was duped :(
  • 10
    Comments from the same article
  • 1
    @sam9669 It's irrelevant, nevermind, the pic was photoshopped.
  • 1
    @jletria how do you know it was photoshopped ?
  • 12
    "He also invented his own computer operating system called 'Linux'."
  • 0
    @sam9669 Compare the title of the picture with the actual article.
  • 3
    If I actually had the money, I'm fairly sure I could have built a computer at 11 years old.
  • 1
    @g-m-f, I love that kind of news. I always get the local newspapers when I go on a holiday to a small town.
  • 5
    So you're telling me...
  • 0
    @g-m-f so many good ones in that buzz feed link
  • 1
    Wow a 11-yo boy invented a new computer. Me in 11-yo eating dirt wkwkwk
  • 0
    Whizz-kid 😂
  • 0
    Y'all jealous of that genius kid...
  • 2
    There was a legit article in a honduran newspaper about this 14 y.o. "prodigy" who "invented" a new computer (just bought the parts and put them together). He was bragging because his computer had a 1TB hdd while a "normal" one only had 500GB. That poor kid became a meme in latin america instantly...
  • 1
    The picture is edited. Go check the actual article.

    He's 11 and he's going to use it for coding. What did you do at that age? I rather read about that kid than some horrible home design article...
  • 3
    I'm sure he made his own processor (probably it's better than AMD Ryzen) in his own ultra clean room. He built his own motherboard with all the ports, own GPU, HDD and wrote all the drivers.

    I mean, come on - even I managed to build computer from parts when I was 12. Where's news about me?
  • 1
    @athlon He invented Ryzen in 2.5 hours.

    Your username is great, by the way.
  • 0
    @drRoss Thanks 😊
  • 0
    @athlon Those were the days...
  • 0
    I built my computer too! So I invented them first!!!
  • 1
    @theZorgEffect Seems that Linus Tech Tips has arrived...
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