fuck javascript
node.js module system sucks. Like its module system is trash, who will want to download some fucking 1GB worth of packages to create a new project.
People keep on just creating other package managers. Yarn is good enough because it caches your packages but still, i am just from deleting some 2.2Gb node modules from my computer and just whyy ?
An area where internet connection us shitty and expensive it is just not very well.
Fuck javascript is everywhere so i have to use it,

typescript just adds another layer to the heavy lifting. You write some typed code to 'reduce bugs' but you generate much more heavy code. I could write in 1kb js file but i end up getting some 3kb js because what - i used typescript-ügvjpiahdjb

fuck javascript

  • 2
    Welcome to Node JS, and devRant.
    Please use the correct category next time.
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    @thefrobyte rant
    devRant is for the site itself.
  • 3
    Use npkill
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    I should've stayed with C#
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    You need a supercomputer to run it
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    I am interesting in knowing if this is more towards the module management rather than the actual language itself. I find Javascript quite charming as a language and one of my favorite ones. I really do, I have worked with it since long before Node made it a thing for server side, and have actually used server side Javascript before (classic ASP) and honestly, I tend to move towards the quirks before antyhing else on each language. The only language I really dislike is VBA, but even then, it might be something more akin to my own personal bias rather than the actual utility of said language.

    As a whole, I do not disagree, dependency management in Node is a pain point, that I am hoping deno addresses, which seems to be sorta-kinda the case.

    there are node utilities to cache packages rather than creating self contained environments. Even then, yes, I know that having a +1gb project folder is a little ridiculous.
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    Node.js just ruins all experience before you even embrace TypeScript. Try Deno.
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    @vintprox I actually have deno and its cool. I am kinda trying deno deploy now
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    @wackOverflow yup. 'npx npkill' buy you will still end up with node_modules in the future so ...
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    @ars1 i kinda like java
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    @theabbie like seriously... even then i will have like half of my HDD being half of the packages from the internet
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    @AleCx04 I wont lie but i also like JS, it is cool and i like the fact you can build anything with it. But the community is also kind of toxic most of the time and its a pain in the ass too
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    @dontbeevil nim kinda
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