I'll start charging hourly for jobs and I'd like some suggestions on how to track my time properly, apps and such that could help me to that. Integration with Sublime would be nice, or something that tracks it automatically.. dunno. I'm afraid i will forget to track if I have to do it manually.

Thanks :)

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    Used toggl before. Not sure of integration, but I liked using it as a tool.

    Might be worth a try.
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    Honestly just get better at doing it manually, you will need to bill for time that is spent outside writing code.
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    What Treighton said, a lot of dev work happens outside of your editor, a lot of the time I test and work out coding solutions in JSBin as its quicker to see the results of your code and formulate the correct solution, and easier than using the browser console for more complex stuff.

    Just this morning I spent about half an hour in SO, working out a function to use in my node app.

    Using automated trackers means you now need to spend time filtering out which google search was directly related to that project, was that youtube video a tutorial one the code I was writing, is that a blog on soccer or Javascript?
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    Given the two above comments, it probably is genuinely worth looking at Toggl. You can make it pop up every 15 minutes to ask if you're still working on the same thing or if you need to change task. Keeps you honest.
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    @AnonymousGuy nice website, cool childrens playing around mocking freelancers haha
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    @saiphp Haha they always have weird hero images. Last time I looked was a year or so ago and it was a Pug holding a pen.
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    @Treighton you're right.. I was thinking about this too. Thanks :)
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    @Pythoneer @AnonymousGuy @Treighton @RTRMS @saiphp thank you all for your feedback.. I guess I'll have to learn to manage my time on my own.. Anyway, I think I'll give this app I've found a shot (And keeping track manually too). Here's the url if anyone's interested.

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