
Sucessfully made two hackintoshes in a span of a week. I think I've made my point apple, at least an effort to care about macs Apple. Who the fuck is gonna make the iOS apps that make your money maker useful?

Fuck you Apple,
A avid user

  • 2
    Amen. I've got a 2013 Retina MBP and no viable upgrade path when it goes. The keyboards on their current models are awful enough as it is, without getting into the asinine port configuration...
  • 1
    Same. Still working with my early 2010 mbp.. I just don't want to use windows. I'd love to switch to Linux but I can't run my photography/video editing software on there.

    Any ideas? The hackintosh graphics card compabilities frightens me a bit.
  • 0
    @-sti There's plenty of desktop graphics' cards that'll run fine. Laptops are a bit more complicated, unless they're truly dedicated (no optimus) there's no way as of now to make them work. Some portable workstations with compatible graphics card will work.My Dell laptop has a nvidia 960m and it doesn't work on macOS

    TL;DR Desktop will run better than macs and take very little effort (provided you buy the right parts and follow some guide on tonymacsx86). Laptops might not work as well and take some serious effort (my Dell runs better on Sierra than Windows 10).
  • 1
    @Kaji The new macbooks (and pro) are thin and run macOS, not really much more to it. It's frustrating.
  • 1
    while you are enjoying your hacks, i am still waiting for gtx 1080 web driver...
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