
learning nodejs and it's awesome

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    Started learning it two months ago and have a complete backend in node now! It's awesome indeed 😀
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    Beware the haters that will tell you of node's async shortcomings. They are right, but just understand their argument as it will better enable your abilities with node.
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    No it's not. I mean I understand why it's so hyped. But just consider the the shitty language which they are now trying to fix in various ways (just to mention ecma6, typescript, dart, coffescript, ...)
    Just look on the js history itself. Scribbled down in a few month.
    And this async topic. There is a reason why in languages got rid of this explicit state modeling. Just try to make different concurrent DB accesses really async and not implement snyc access manual again (as most programmers do). And then consider that node is in a lot cases not even faster.
    And last but not least the boatloads of shitty modules for everything, which aren't stable, well tested oder even well designed (a few exceptions exist).
    Maybe consider this as a rant itself. I just don't like this JS fandom because using this language just feels to me like falling back in the Stone-Age of CS.
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    @thaelgar couldn't disagree more. Except the part about shitty modules, pretty spot on 😉. No language was born perfect and every successful language has come from many iterations, JS is no exception. Also type script, coffee script, etc aren't attempt to "fix" what's broken, if that's how you see things you really don't understand the purpose of transpilers. Sure v1 was banged out in a week by some guy at Mozilla, but at this point JS barely resembled that first version, that's just part of evolution. Saying that the first version was rushed and sucked can be said for just about everything mankind has ever made. If you aren't familiar with best practices for async architectures that is also not the fault of the language. And if you want to argue with vague terms that JS is not as "fast" as some other language, that's just nonsense, you sound like a child saying "My dad could totally beat up your dad!". There is nothing to backup this fictional scenario.
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    @blackmarket well there are a lot of proper designed languages out there. And yes I understand the concept of those js transpilers but to be honest they exist mainly because js is the only thing that runs in browsers (and people want to escape js :) ).
    And yes that async topic is part of the problem. It's all about the concepts your programming languages uses and languages where you have to maintain state manually are actually conceptually super old and counter intuitive. I see it as progress to not cope with every aspect explicit and like abstractions (that's why I don't use assembler for the most cases anymore).
    The speed argument is often brought up from node fanboys. I just wanted to say, I don't see it as an argument even Java can be super fast in heavy enterprise settings.
    And just a personal one. JS has reduced the average code quality and security I see daily drastically.
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    @thaelgar I disagree. Coffee script is for people to lazy to type, babel is for people stuck supporting accident browsers/VMs but still want to use the newest features, TypeScript is probably the closest to trying to "escape JS". JavaScript has many ways of handling asynchronous behavior and is inherently non-blocking which actually makes it very versatile and powerful in asynchronous applications. Sure if you don't know what you're doing you might find yourself in callback hell or paint yourself into a corner with promises, and for that I suppose JS can take some of the blame for giving devs enough rope to hang themselves with, but every languages does this to some extent and it's all about learning not to hang yourself.
    The state management argument is only applicable to client side and even there implementing your own or using a library is so simple it's not a big deal. Might be nice to have native options but we can't have everything yet.
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    "enough rope to hang yourself" well shitty code by poor devels can be written in any language.
    I don't like js for the design decision that were made upon creation of this language and as I come from a more scientific didn't hear anyone seriously questioning that ever.
    I think this debate doesn't bring us anywhere now. But I can only propose to try different languages, just to get a feeling for how it can be done otherwise.
    I agree that for various reasons - now - it makes sense to use js to accomplish some kind of (web)projects. But I find it deeply sad that so much people don't question js and don't demand on better language features :(

    Just sitting here and waiting for the browsers to fully support WebAssembly ...
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