  • 7
    I don't follow. What is this?
  • 3
    @NoMad The founder of this company wrote this post https://xendit.co/en/blog/...
  • 14
    Doesn't really matter if it's normal or not. It's not acceptable unless they pay you enough to own your life (which no company will)
  • 9
    For me it's when I am on holiday you can ping me all you want I am not gonna fucking reply.... I AM ON HOLIDAY!!! And he got got the nerve to say "you get to reply" like it's some kind of privilege 😒
  • 13
    Overworking doesn't fix things.

    It only leads to more problems.

    Managers getting a gazillion shitton of money for working 24/7 are a problem. Especially when they expect others to mimic their behaviour for _less_ than 10 % of what they earn.

    Even worse are devs who think they must work at all times.

    No. Do your job. When you need to work at the weekend, work less in the week.

    There needs to be a balance.

    You cannot run 24 h / 7 d away from a predator. The stress from working too much isn't the same, but comparable.

    Burnout, depression, health issues - too much stress is only damaging and not helping.
  • 9
    Its an advice how to get a mental breakdown.
  • 0
    Maybe they use part time jobs.
  • 7
    It's not normal, and it's nothing to boast about either. I've been there - you just end up spending 24/7 doing hacks and quick bodges to kick the can down the road, because you've never got the energy to do anything properly.

    Most places I know would sooner you spend 40 hour weeks doing proper, well designed and executed development work, rather than 80 hour weeks doing crap bodges and constant crappy fixes. I'd run a mile from anyone who thinks the latter is a good thing, and would advise anyone else to do the same.
  • 4
    @curiousjoe no, it is not. And I read too much "customer pleasing" to believe this company will survive another year
  • 5
    TL;DR: No!

    As a start-up there is the need to be a bit flexible. This has to be within reason and if a company is doing something like this it is not uncommon to get *additional* payment in shares so it's also part of your dream.
    Structurally working overtime and at all hours and/or under constant pressure is proven to be ineffective and unsustainable. It will burn trough employees and lead to mistakes.
    When a mission is working as hard and long as possible instead an actual goal the battle is already lost. How can working hard be the one thing that sets you apart? That is not a strategy it's a trap.
  • 3
    @curiousjoe point 3 started out nice but soon is riddled with crap that just burns trough people: Pile stuff till you can't handle it. You are suspected to start fresh and eager and take on all sorts of responsibility. However if you get a bit overworked or over promised something (what the culture encourages) all trust is lost and you're considered worthless.
  • 8
    I thought this was a parody... it reads like a very negative Glass Door company review.

    If it's a real company profile, it's not only NOT NORMAL, it's also signaling racist biases, and illegal employee abuse.

    Being proud of working your employees to death is just psychopathic.
  • 2
    @bittersweet This, although I've only seen sociopaths doing this (one of which is unfortunately related).
  • 2
    People like this should really be placed in a special hospital; it leads to no good overworking and expecting others to do the same.

    It grinds my gears when people treat that as a good achievement.
  • 2
    No, and it seems a little racist/nationalist? If you have 24/7 customer service available just say that. If you guarantee your deadlines, just say that.

    Those are the kind of terms people are looking for anyway. If the work wasn’t hard in at least some aspect, they wouldn’t hire someone to do it. Hard work is the expectation.
  • 0
    I hope they have the personel to back that up and not just force people to work extra hours for free
  • 4
    I don't know about other lines of work, with creativity and proper full-on mental work, you can't expect more than 5-6 hours of work a day. If you overwork today, you are borrowing brain from tomorrow. that's how "burnout" really starts. And that was the main idea behind an 8 hour work day, so you have some extra time for paperwork, slacking, fixing etc. too. So this guy either doesn't do any mental work (yolo for life) or he has zero output.
  • 2
    Sounds like a shitty place to work
  • 0
    What a psycho
    So, perfect fit for a CEO position
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