
Can we slow down the Earth's rotation a bit? I could use a couple extra hours per day.

  • 3
    Oh please, let's pray to the old gods.
  • 9
    More hours -> more unpaid overtime... No thanks
  • 0
  • 3
    If we slowed down earth we would burn. Oh, and don't forget the incredible climate change!
  • 2
    Would be great to finally get the unconditional base income, financed by robot taxes and actually taking tax from starbucks, ikea, amazon, facebook, google, microsoft, apple, monsanto, ... would give us the freedom to work just a couple of hours per week and use the rest to create awsome free software :)
  • 0
    Could use some extra time too :/
  • 2
    And the orbit around the sun as well. A third weekend day does so much for my sanity.
  • 1
    One cannot get enough of TIME, MONEY and PORN
  • 1
    @nummer31 why porn, just get a real girl?
  • 1
    @allanx2000 Easier said than done bro
  • 0
  • 0
    You could pop to the next planet (or the one after that) whilst there is time. Don't think anyone is putting a wall up between planets yet.
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