
*Furiously cracks fingers and starts typing*

When I first tried out mobile app development some weeks ago I found it pretty fun. Now when I have a internship with a company to create a Android app I was kind of excited. Now after just a week I don't think I will come back to Android development again. Android studio eats my RAM and made my computer hang itself, and the thing I despise the most is gradle! AS f**ks with my gradle also so now they are all gone and i'm trying to rewrite them by myself...

*Furiously tries to calm down*

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    How much ram does your system have?
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    It's not AS that eats your RAM - it's Gradle...
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    @AssadBinTahir 8 Gb, okey I don't think oonly android studio is the only reason. Had many other programs running also, firefox.
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    My system also have 8 GB RAM and I do android development using AS + Gradle.

    Believe me, it only takes ram between 1-1.8 GB.

    I mint KDE Edition and with several tabs on chrome and android studio running, my memory usage is usually 3 GB
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    intel i3 with no problem, but my laptop burns up :D
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    Have given a try at kotlinlang ? Seems cool
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    @misfitDev No havn't actually tried Kotlin but I would like
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    I develop with Android Studio all the time and have never had any issues. I've used it on laptops, desktop and always seemed to work well. 😞
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    This seems to be a call for a proper sysadmin demigod...
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    @Artemix, you're right Android Studio doesn't get that much memory. It uses much less than Eclipse+ADT used to take. The problem is when you need to use emulators.
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