
Person: Your website doesn't work.
Me: Why?
Person: Nothing happens when I click.
Me: Did you disable JavaScript?
Person: Yeah, sounds shady.

  • 13
    Person isn't wrong 😂
  • 2
    Man I remember when my Web Eng lecturer made us design sites that can work with or without JavaScript and supports IE8 fully. *Shudder* I guess she was preparing us for one of your users, pal 😄
  • 5
    Your website should be less reliant on JS 😜
  • 4
    @TheInitializer don't know how you came up with that answer, but we make website with reactjs and angularjs so our clients must use JavaScript. They dont questions it.
  • 8
    I guess I am too old but I was taught to always make website as much javascript unreliable as possible - because someone could have it disabled. World have changed and only geeks does have disabled javascript but I still try to make thinks as much without it as possible. At least basic funcionality should be maintained, like menus, texts, images... I have seen thousands of websites having animations made by css display: none and then enabling display: block by js. Guess what will happen if you disable js - blank white page of course. Regards
  • 0
    @lubwn the particular web app shows all the content, it just doesn't do anything as it can't make calls to the API 😅
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