
As the founder (both biz and tech) of a startup, here is my timer list everyday. It reminds how much time I left before the day ends and how much tasks waiting for me to finish.

  • 3
    You start them together? What kind of startup? :)
  • 1
    Now this is a startup I want to be a part of!
  • 7
    I'm just going to imagine that 'startup acceleration' refers to physically accelerating your startup. Do you prefer solid or liquid propellants?
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    @USER-NOT-FOUND maybe its an moving office riding around town.
  • 1
    Hey, i wanted to start a stortup next year:what should I consider (im 13, if that matters)
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    @linuxer4fun a great Idea, the resources you need and if you can get them. And plan before you act ;)

    I have seen several people going full speed in the beginning to only find out later that they need to tweak their idea.

    Your age might be a negative thing for investers. Its unfair but you can't do much about it I think.
  • 2
    Great balance, thanks for sharing, although 15 hours doesn't leave much for a personal life. On the bright side, it includes one hour for devRant, nice!

    btw, your battery might not last all 15 hours, just saying xD
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    @aronmik ok ty :) I think, I have a good Idea, which I can programm alone, I would do the hosting for my self
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    @linuxer4fun if you can do it alone and already have hosting. And you do have to invest in any thing.

    Then you just need a good idea and lots of discipline.
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    @aronmik why do I seed to invest in anything? I have no money :/ (except for the 5€ I found on the street megore school xD)
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    @linuxer4fun autocorrect removed the word not. It keeps trying to change everything back to Dutch.

    Sorry ^^
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    @aronmik ah, ok:) no problem :) ty for the advice btw: it will hopefully get me through. Lets hope it...
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    @linuxer4fun even if you fail you would have gained a lot. Bit cliche but the road to succes is rarely a straight path. Good luck.
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    There's something about this that does not sit right with me on this. Life balance is messed up. How many hours sleep do you get? Do you do any type of fitness during the day and prepare wholesome food to eat?
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    @aronmik what do you mean by that? Btw: legally, what do I need to make, if I want to create a startup and then employ people?
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    @silicon8 welcome to devRant ;) 😳
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    @linuxer4fun how legaly works depends on the country. I know how it works in the netherlands. But they are also very helpfull here. You get free advice when you start a company and can follow free seminars.

    What I mean by that. For instance legaly. If you start a start up know you will learn how it works. If your company fails for some reason. Office burns down, no profits and not being able to pay your expenses. That company is pretty much over. Time to end it and reflect. You now know what went good and what went bad. Making you better in starting your next company.

    If we take "law" again. You now need no advice on how to start a company and do not need seminars. Making starting a lot easier.

    And this goes for everything. Client contact, marketing, employees, code level. As long as you do not take out huge loans and have zero financial buffer. You should always start your next Idea from a better position.

    And you prob need no financial buffer since your 13 and prob live at home.
  • 1
    @aronmik jap, I do... Thats why I wanted to start my startup now: germany now is financially stable, I 0ive at home, im going through school like trough butter, teachers dont give me homework anymore, because I already know the stuff. And thats perfect for starting a company. A friend wanted to join me, but I prefer declining: if I fail alone, He wont be able to sue me.
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    @linuxer4fun going into business with friends is (not always/almost never) a good idea. Friendship can get in the way business decisions.
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    @aronmik ok: glad I made a good choice... Lets hope, I continue...
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    @linuxer4fun not really sure what he could be sueing you about. And if you change your mind and do work together. Document everything. It sounds a little bit much but worth it in the long run. I now think it would might be a good idea to work together.

    You have a coding budy to learn with. It makes it more fun to work and spar ideas, get a different maybe even better solution for something. And you get the work done faster. And do code reviews where you can learn from each other and prob improve. Your skills will probably increase much faster.

    And if the working together fails you gained the experience for working with a friend. Next to everything you learned.

    Be sure to document things like who has the right to the idea and if profits start coming in how much will you invest back in the company and how much do you two get. Every little thing you think

    Both sign this with an impartial witness. Maybe your code teacher. And you should be good to make the best start up since #name#
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    @linuxer4fun I will be watching, got curious .
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    @aronmik Im not really willing to take a bud, because he wanted me to teach him coding in the first place... My coding teacher is a nice guy, Iwill ask him to review my gode eventually
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    @linuxer4fun ps:my startup idea: its like facebook but bett... Ah wait, we already heard that joke right ;)
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    @linuxer4fun aah, maybe you should make it green. I like green
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    @aronmik and call it feetBook... I like the idea of calling it buttbook, tho xD
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    @aronmik I start them one by one, often switch tasks. We are a saas startup company providing business chatbot solution
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    @conna I am glad you feel interested! We are doing cool business chatbot stuff !
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    @onebit0fme totally agree! It's hard at first cuz you keep switch tasks and forgot end and start timer LOL
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