
YELP API you piece of shit, why i can't fetch form client side???

CORS, fucking CORS everywhere

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    Does fetching client side expose a sensitive token?
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    Well i does, but It doesn't matter becouse we use it in ionic app.
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    @jakub yes, that does matter. It would take me seconds to extract a key from an app like that. Good on Yelp for protecting against stuff like this.
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    Oh don't get started on the Yelp API.

    Yes CORS should be enabled, absolutely ridiculous that it doesn't.

    Then you can only extract 200 chars from each review and a random sampling of reviews.

    Seriously, who the fuck designed that un godly sin. It's little like a group of people sat around and asked, how many use cases can we make impossible while still delivering an API.

    He / she should be taken into a back ally and shot, to save the world from their "skills"
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