
How many of you guys have played Uplink? IMO it's a game every dev should try. While it's not exactly realistic, especially today, it shows actually how powerful a hacker can be. And YOU are that hacker.

  • 1
    Loved playing that game. Especially with chests enabled, you were pretty much God haha
  • 0
    The hacker game. Thanks for reminding.
  • 0
    I remember there was one bank account with loads of funds in it I used to hack at the start of every game just to steamroll through the easy boring missions and get to the hardcore ones.
  • 0
    There is another indie game about programming/hacking. There is a conputer and you have to write code to turn other entities on or off or on delay. Forgot the name

    And there is event[0] a game where you get on a spaceship where only an ai is. And you interact with ot through computers and use a bit code to do things. Short but very interesting
  • 0
    @muliyul Yeah, but that messes the game up. Especially because the bank hack shoots up your Uplink Rating. Another difficult thing there is to get a good Neuromancer rating. The bad one is quite easy to get - just ruin a lot of lives.
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