I refuse to believe that I'm the only person with a text file full of my frequently used scripts in different languages with no particular assortment
Because I find it slightly stupid to rewrite the same thing over again every single damn time

  • 8
    Wtf. So you two are the reason every class looks the same in our codebase?
  • 1
    Waiting for some corrector to come along...

    Are the meme police watching? We are on to you!
  • 1
    I've got a folder full of those
  • 2
    If I use it enough, it’s worth making into a module, if it’s worth making into a module then somebody has already done it.
  • 1
    @eo2875 I see your a man of culture as well
  • 0
    Hmm you're onto something! I had a coworker who uses evernote for that! I never got around to do it myself. Though I save all the links with the solutions.
  • 0
    I have a repo called scratchpad. I keep all my test projects in there.
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