
So I google for a dll editor, and download the first result, don't scan it because I'm tired, and next thing I know I have 370 unwanted items on my laptop. Why is the first result on google an adware dropper...

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    Shouldn't the antivirus software's real-time scan have caught it? Even most of the free antivirus softwares I used when I was on Windows (using Linux now on my home computer) would give some sort of warning if they suspected a file to be malware.
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    @danglingPtr I only have windows defender realtime, and I was too tired to run a scan on it at the time. Entirely my fault.
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    Update: something has changed my chrome icon to look like internet explorer.
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    For those who might want to try something like this, use .NET Reflector with Reflexil. You'll have no issues with those.
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    DotPeek from Jet Brains is my favourite
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    @anth12 I used to use that but I wanted to make changes, and not just view.
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    @ekyl ah, you can export to a csproj. Tbh the reason I use dotPeek is I only need one installer for that and R#
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