
Interviewing intern today:

"What text editor do you use?"
"Notepadd, Word, I'm okay with anything."
"Like, Notepad++?"
"Eh... Notepad, I don't know about the ++."

  • 1
    Extremely annoying notepad++ not on a mac
  • 4
    Notepad???? Word?????? For real??? Lol kidz
  • 7
    @AtuM worse: he's studying tech management. He wants to become a PM
  • 10
    The answer is correct. A PM needs a notepad to make notes. And a rich text editor for general documentation/communication. Add a presentation tool and you have an all rounder.

    Individuals and interaction over tools and processes.

    I find tech people focus to much on tools (they like) and I am a DevOps guy...
  • 5
    @hjk101 Saying Word when asked about the text editor is rarely the correct answer. And Notepad is like the IE6 of editors, of course it's usable but you also wouldn't say you use IE when interviewing for a frontend job.

    Do both have legitimate uses? Sure, but when that's your first answer as a potential development intern everyone just assumes you never went beyond hello world, because that's the safe bet.
  • 3
    Notepad is not dangerous to use...
    The intern correctly extrapolated the question to include all his text editing tools (yes a rich text editor is as the name implies also a text editor).
    The question was irrelevant in the first place. It's IMHO stupid to make fun of the answer.

    Any programmer trying to code in a rich text editor is of course a joke as it can't do the job without extreme modifications.
  • 2
    @hjk101 It would be stupid to make fun of this answer if it weren't a real thing. People writing code in Word are a thing. People sending their source files via copy-pasting all the code into an email exist. Dev teams writing banking apps with zip files as version control and the private key in a packaged plaintext file as well.

    When someone says Word in the context of coding but does not name a single decent code editor that is not a good sign.
  • 0
    I find it alarming that you found Notepad worrisome but not Word. Notepad is atleast a text editor, whereas Word is not a plain text editor.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants I fully agree with the *coding* in Word (hence the second paragraph in previous comment) but that's the thing. The only coding context here is that it's posted on devrant... Nowhere is it mentioned that the intern is coding, has coding experience, even wants to code. He wants to be a PM. I'm sure I will get the same answer out of our PM.
  • 0
    @hjk101 he was applying for a developer internship, not a leadership internship
  • 1
    Well, the question was still about text editor.. if it were code editor or IDE..
    Deep inside we all know: Word is the best IDE for programming 😂
  • 1
    @eo2875 wants to become a PM? Geez.... I was thought people just landed there. Imagine that being your actual goal
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