
My tech stack progression:

Started with PHP without any frameworks, using a homegrown MVC architecture. Used to use `mysql_` functions everywhere. And only jquery + vanilla CSS in the front end.

Then moved to use PDO functions in PHP and Backbone.js + Less CSS in the front-end.

Then moved to Django in the back-end. Did not like Django very much as it is too opinionated and not flexible (although it's damn good for rapid development if you buy into their type of things).

Then moved to Flask + SQLAlchemy and using a home grown architecture. This is a sweet spot for me in terms of back end and stayed in this spot for the longest time.

Moved to Postgres from MySQL as I fell in love with Postgres.

Then learnt React+Redux. Liked it. Made most sense to front-end development this way. Moved front-end stack to React+Redux.

Learning Haskell and been working with Scotty and eyeing Servant for a while now.

Let's see where it goes from here.

PS: this is my personal journey through various tech stacks in various products at various companies I have worked. I'm not talking about moving a product through these many tech stacks. That doesn't make any sense.

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    @rayanon may you please outline the main advantage for you in moving to PDO from your initial mysql approach?
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    @kunashe It's much more modern it's approach, is more secure and object oriented.
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    @kunashe PDO prevents you from SQL injection because you can parameterize your query, it also supports prepared statements - so your DB can optimize the query plan, it also supports many databases and provides a single interface across all these databases.

    Its been quite long now from those PHP days, those are the things I remember from the top of my head.
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    @rayanon optimization of query plans is a clear advantage. It would be interesting though to see whether this gain is consistent across the spectrum from simple queries to very complex ones.

    My suspicions are that there are trade offs.
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    If you are enjoying haskell, look at purescript or elm for your front end stack. You can get started pretty quickly with elm and the ideas are quite very similar to react+redux.

    For db, if you are interested in some nosql as well, I have recently started using arangodb, it is very easy and more natural to model most of the domain problems I have thought about.
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    @rusty-hacker I have looked at PureScript and Elm both. Both are fantastic. I use Elm for my side projects but use React+Redux for production use, simply because it has a bigger community.
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    @Artemix I have stopped using PHP since ~6years now. :P
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    @Artemix mysql is popular, it's not a choice most of the times, clients want mysql because someone told them its the shit
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    Which db was best for php in your journey?
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