
I loathe JavaScript. Totally blaming the millennials for making this shit popular. #thankshipsters #fuckyourhashtagstoo

  • 14
    I love it tbh. Thanks to node and JavaScript in general creating very fast web apps which can handle large amounts of users, real time easily scalable apps can be build. Next to that, there are frameworks like ionic, phone gap and electron which being regular application development to non native/mobile devs which is a very good think I think.
  • 4
    ASP.NET Core is even faster and scales better and also includes npm, bower, etc. support :-)
  • 4
    That's some fucked up js you have there... maybe do it correctly? 🤔
  • 2
    Don't blame the tools.
  • 4
  • 11
    showing compiled ( i know minimized whatever) as a negative against any language is dumb, do you hate C++ because you can't read binary ?
  • 0
    But you can write shit like that in any language ...

    Not defending js, just saying that particular example is the developers fault
  • 2
    @r3nrut thanks to your poor dev skill
    Millennial are not the cause here, JavaScript even less
  • 1
    "Don't hate the player, if you can't play the game"
  • 2
    I just copied obfuscated js from Google images as an example to get enough points to change my avatar guys.

    *calm your tits*
  • 0
    Too bad you hate on the language
  • 1
    Unminify.com and chill, dude
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    @MartinZikmund @viking8 To be clear, no real tests claim to be faster than things like Java and C#. They usually claim to be able to handle more concurrent connections on cheaper hardware, which as it turns out is a better way to scale than to just throw more CPU and Memory at your servers, at least for the web. JavaScript is definitely not faster though. At least, that shouldn't be the reason that people would run a node web server.
  • 3
    Is that uglified? Also who uses eval()?
  • 0
    @tytho that's an assumption with no basis. Because of the JIT and node forcing async, JavaScript is faster in many cases.

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    @Neotelos In my experience, JavaScript is faster in my use cases, but I've seen benchmarks skewed the other way as well. I almost always assume node is faster, but it's not the primary reason I use it
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    @tizo I read somewhere that eval has your script enter an unstable, more interpreted mode that can slow it down to Python speeds. Not sure if its still like that, but it should be.
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