
Who the fuck is able to not understand the basics of git. With ten years, supposedly , of front end experience. How in the hell do you not understand version control.

  • 2
    Because they have 10 years of experience in front end "development".
  • 5
    How is this even possible?!?!?!? 10 years of experience and you don't know git, under which rock has that guy been living?
  • 6
    What's git?
  • 1
    I've read somewhere that to actually get better at something you have to learn new stuff. If you just repeat what you already know you won't grow. They probably have 10 years of *doing the same thing over again* experience. Or they just haven't ever heard of the beautiful world of git.
  • 6
    Git admittedly can be a bit confusing at first. But any self respecting software professional should be able to git comfortable with the basics in a week, I'd say. And everyone should know about version control. No excuses.
  • 2
    I know of people with more than 10 years experience who have never used or even heard of Git.
  • 3
    @badcopnodonuts clearly some people have no concept of humour or sarcasm haha. I'll take that --
  • 0
    those are the wix/Dreamwave /wp visual builder wannabe folks
  • 0
    There's a difference between developing for 10 years or repeating one or two things for 10 years. Some professionals get themselves stuck by being content of doing always the same thing. I knew of developers who would only maintain XML config files, copy pasting them around and modifying them. They were glorified content pushers, it was necessary work, but one barely grows with it.
  • 1
    Real men don't use Git
  • 0
    @loserboi Until a rogue space wipes your directory out.
  • 3
    Well, many think outlook as version control
  • 1
    So I looked it up right now, is git something like Dropbox for developing?
  • 1
    @Divisionbyzero essentially yes. However it has more functionality for DEVS to use. For instance you can tag certain versions of your app "v1.0.0" and have that git version be the code that is checked out by your production server. Most DEVS only will need to scratch the surface of the bottomless pit that is git to use it in daily development.
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