
Reasons to beta test others software:
99% To show it off to others
1% To auctually help

  • 6
    I tried to get friends and family to beta test my app once; figured having people who didn't know what a normal user would do would stir up bugs, but the only person who was remotely helpful was my dad, and he just found a usability issue.

    I wonder if everyone just thought I was showing off, but I really just wanted their help!
  • 0
    I meant beta test as in you testing it.
  • 1
    I know, you just reminded me of how useless my beta testers were.

    Maybe I should have posted a new rant...
  • 5
    I have to admit. "I want to thorougly test and give valuable feedback" isn't what I think of first, when signing up on closed/open beta. More like "ooh, free and early access to new app/game/feature!”
  • 1
    Windows Insider Program in a nutshell
  • 0
    @andersoyvind To be fair, the fact that you can use the app without having to report anything any major is a good indicator that aren't any blockers for the average user.
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