Living in a third world country is a kind of daily Russian roulette.

  • 6
    When my country is one of the worst for the pandemic in the world, is in economic decline for 3 decades, has what amounts to indentured servitude for anybody not college educated and it's even creeping into those ranks, has several thousand nuclear weapons, and a political system completely overrun by oligarchy and plutocracy... and isn't Russia.

    Look at me. I am the third world now.
  • 2
    These are all bullshit keywords: “first world”, “third world”, etc.

    We literally saw these worlds collapse in this pandemic. In fact, some third-worlds did far better than so-called first-worlds.
  • 1
    so what do you dislike the most right now about el salvador?
  • 2
    Living in Russia is a kind of daily Russian roulette.
  • 1
    @heyheni Right now with the pandemic situation, the country is in chaos, the current government is very good at handling publicity but very bad at governing, we have never been well but going from a weak democracy to a country in the process of dictatorship is obviously a setback Every day is a new situation that directly or indirectly affects each inhabitant of this small country.
  • 0
    Besides the dictatorship part it is insane how similar El Salvador and a small EU country are atm
  • 0
    @Tonnoman0909 How so?
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