
Ie8 is the oldest browser I'll support. Come to me for anything older and I'll refuse. Even then it's a hassle.
Honestly. It's so old and insecure and someone comes to me asking to support ie 6. Really? I mean, a photography site doesn't need to support that old of a browser.

  • 0
    We still get IE6 visits, care to join our team as an IE ninja?

  • 1
    I don't support non-evergreen browsers... But I support up to 7 versions less than the current release... So sometimes I accidentally support some IE browsers
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    Luckily I don't have to support anything less than 10 because everything below is already EOL. It's nice when the market share is so low the cost to support it isn't worth it and you can put your foot down. (Not that EOL shouldn't be the major reason...EOL is a huge deal)
  • 0
    But, I feel obligated to say Firefox ESR is at v45. So no matter what, I've got to support FF45.
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